
At Catalyst we know that putting theory into practice is the best way to create real change. That’s why clients rely on our engaging training programs to help build adaptive leaders and teams. People need relevant tools and they need practice to apply them. Catalyst creates training programs that integrate learners intellectually, emotionally and behaviorally. We distill the best in leadership research to build practical tools and practices. Our designs include training content, skill-building practice, small group feedback and back-at-work application. 

We use a blend of learning methodologies, often with pre- and post-classroom modules. We create interactive forums and experiential learning designs that allow clients to practice skills in the classroom. Our training courses strengthen clients’ culture and systems, including career development, performance reviews, planning, and decision making.

Leadership programs are tailored to generate business results by improving individual and collective leadership. Through careful analysis of organizational needs, we identify areas for transforming leaders from the inside out

  • increase self-awareness of strengths, mindsets, and growth opportunities 
  • develop communication skills to work with conflict and difficult conversations
  • learn to communicate clearly and effectively about complex matters
  • effectively identify, clarify, and leverage relevant perspectives to improve decision quality
  • determine when and to what degree collaboration is appropriate in a particular situation
  • manage the polarities and take advantage of rich sources of insight

Clients benefit from our extensive library of management, leadership, and teamwork content that can be branded as their own material. Course length can be from a half day to 3 days. Examples:


  • Leading with Authenticity: aligning personal leadership to vision, values and culture
  • Decision Making: data-based decision making, leading a decision process, applying decision styles
  • Performance Management: accountability, employee development, feedback, coaching
  • Making Strategic Decisions: choice structuring and scenario mapping
  • Advanced Leadership: systems thinking, polarity management, organizational development
  • Career Conversations: leading conversations and empowering employees
  • Coaching for Results: leading developmental conversations
  • Leading Innovation: design thinking, tools and practices for leading innovation
  • Leading Change: managing the change process
  • Presentation Skills: presence, storytelling, structuring presentations


  • Leading Teams: stages of team development, leveraging cultural diversity, dealing with conflict, collaboration skills, best practices for dispersed teams
  • Working Collaboratively Across Boundaries: stakeholder management with collaboration skills
  • Leading Difficult Conversations: skillfully handling conflict